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I specialize in moving people toward their desired lifestyle by cutting through excuses and heightening self-awareness. I help put people back into the driver’s seat of their own life when they feel they’ve lost control. Whether your feelings of overwhelm manifests themselves through weight gain, procrastination, or simply feeling stuck and you don’t know where to begin, you have the power to change it. You just need someone to show you what to do and how to do it.

What makes me different 
is that I really listen to what my clients want. I don’t just hear the words… I understand them and I feel them. It’s not about what I want for you – it’s what you want for you. And then we create a plan together. I hold you accountable and we take things step-by-step until you look back and realize how far you’ve come!

For the last two decades I have helped my clients release what has held them back so they can free themselves of the pain of feeling stuck.

It’s not just about the buzzwords of “health and wellness” or about what you eat and how you move your body. It’s integrating what you want, transforming how you think, challenging your believe system and ultimately how you look at the world.

I guide people on how to change their view of their world – and when you change the lens through which you view your own experiences, you change the outcomes.

About Lisa Lewis


About Lisa Lewis


I specialize in moving people toward their desired lifestyle by cutting through excuses and heightening self-awareness. I help put people back into the driver’s seat of their own life when they feel they’ve lost control. Whether your feelings of overwhelm manifests themselves through weight gain, procrastination, or simply feeling stuck and you don’t know where to begin, you have the power to change it. You just need someone to show you what to do and how to do it.

What makes me different
is that I really listen to what my clients want. I don’t just hear the words… I understand them and I feel them. It’s not about what I want for you – it’s what you want for you. And then we create a plan together. I hold you accountable and we take things step-by-step until you look back and realize how far you’ve come!

For the last two decades I have helped my clients release what has held them back so they can free themselves of the pain of feeling stuck.

It’s not just about the buzzwords of “health and wellness” or about what you eat and how you move your body. It’s integrating what you want, transforming how you think, challenging your believe system and ultimately how you look at the world.

I guide people on how to change their view of their world – and when you change the lens through which you view your own experiences, you change the outcomes.


I constantly challenge myself to grow and perform at the top of my game in all areas of my life – and this applies to my career too. Am I always perfect, hell no… but it’s reflecting on the times that don’t go my way that force me to challenge my view and stretch my beliefs. By doing walking the talk, I am better able to relate to my clients and give them permission to do the same.

As a thriving career professional, I am a CPT (Certified Personal Trainer), a Certified Integrative Health Coach and Business Owner of two successful companies.

In addition to Lisa Lewis Lifestyle, which you learning about here, my experience and passions have led me to co-owning and opening a vibrant wellness co-op in my hometown of Biddeford, Maine called ToGather.

Here, at ToGather, we harness mind and body wellness, along with experiential opportunities that foster a sense of community, health and fun! Some of what you will see happening at ToGather is Yoga, Barre, Breath Work, Meditation, Farm-to-Table Dinners, Wellness Workshops, Artist Markets and Social Events. Literally anything that brings Joy and Wellness to ones life. As a business professional, I know what it means to have a ‘busy life’, and I understand firsthand how to keep life in balance. Let’s find your balance so that life is rewarding and moving in forward with clarity and purpose.

I am a busy mom/professional of three teenage kids. I understand how easy it is to lose yourself in their lives; that's what I deal with a lot with my clients. They've put their kids first, as they should, but there's also a time when you need to rediscover what YOU are meant to do. For most of us, it's the second phase of life with our kids; we've done our job in raising them, molding & cultivating them; it's been our primary focus as a mom.

At what point do you put yourself first again, and how do you do that without feeling guilty? After raising kids, what is your purpose here on Earth? What's going to energize you to get you up in the morning? We can feel lost without direction and missing connectivity to others because we no longer have anything in common with them. Many mom friends are their kids' friend's parents, so when the kids go their separate way, everyone disperses. Now what is the common bond you can have with other people? Where are the new social circles you will start to create for yourself?

Social interaction as an outlet is essential, especially for women. So when your kids grow and leave, they literally leave you feeling empty. Then you're experiencing guilt because you do want your kids to follow their dreams. Leaving you feeling guilt and shame for not wanting them to go is a challenging dichotomy, but that is what I work with my clients on... reigniting what your passion is.

What is your purpose? Let's rediscover that by immediately putting yourself first, so you can start working on those things while raising your kids.



I am a busy mom/professional of three teenage kids. I understand how easy it is to lose yourself in their lives; that's what I deal with a lot with my clients. They've put their kids first, as they should, but there's also a time when you need to rediscover what YOU are meant to do. For most of us, it's the second phase of life with our kids; we've done our job in raising them, molding & cultivating them; it's been our primary focus as a mom.

At what point do you put yourself first again, and how do you do that without feeling guilty? After raising kids, what is your purpose here on Earth? What's going to energize you to get you up in the morning? We can feel lost without direction and missing connectivity to others because we no longer have anything in common with them. Many mom friends are their kids' friend's parents, so when the kids go their separate way, everyone disperses. Now what is the common bond you can have with other people? Where are the new social circles you will start to create for yourself?

Social interaction as an outlet is essential, especially for women. So when your kids grow and leave, they literally leave you feeling empty. Then you're experiencing guilt because you do want your kids to follow their dreams. Leaving you feeling guilt and shame for not wanting them to go is a challenging dichotomy, but that is what I work with my clients on... reigniting what your passion is.

What is your purpose? Let's rediscover that by immediately putting yourself first, so you can start working on those things while raising your kids.


I've been an athlete my entire life, starting in grade school and playing sports throughout high school and college.

I've constantly challenged myself as an athlete, a young adult, and now; whether it was fitness competitions or running, that was always an outlet for me.

I've had the pleasure of qualifying and running 2 Boston Marathons, competed in Figure competitions however, once the busyness of life starts, whether it's a career, kids or family that becomes forefront in your life as an adult.

Lisa Lewis as an athlete today is very different than my younger self, and honestly I'm happier because I am an athlete. I'm a mom, I'm a business person. I am a friend. I'm a coach, and there's balance.

The last child went off to college, and I was sitting on the couch having no interests, no direction, no idea what to do with my life at this point. 

I saw an article about Lisa I took a giant step out of my comfort zone, and joined. I was so shy and nervous Lisa made us all feel comfortable, had us running, and exercising in no time.

She motivated all of the ladies while giving valuable information about health, nutrition, and exercise. I looked forward to our weekly group where Lisa encouraged me to give effort that I never knew I had.

As time went on, I got
stronger, lost some weight, and accomplished difficult goals. Who knew that I would start with 5ks, go on to 10ks, up it to Half Marathons, and yes, I have done 2 full marathons.

Lisa didn't stop there, she introduced me to the sport of Triathlon. Swim? nope, never got my hair wet. Bike? nope, haven't ridden a bike since grade school. But with the new found confidence, I was ready to give it a go. This decision changed my whole family.

Now every time I have to jump in the water, or take that first step of a race, I have to pull up my confidence, and remember what Lisa taught me,
"I am strong, Inside and Out".

- Jeanne B